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Losing weight then gaining it back: A solution

Losing weight and gaining it back: This problem which effects millions of dieters is caused by Insulin Resistance

Losing weight and gaining it back…this problem which effects millions of dieter is caused by Insulin Resistance


Losing weight and then gaining it back is a very common problem amongst those who diet, there is a very good reason why this happens and there is also a way to stop this cycle of putting on the pounds and then only having it return. The numbers of people who are overweight in the United States now stands at over 80 million, the consequences are serious, major health problems are related to excess body-weight. Help for those who are losing weight only to gain it back resides in the blood sugar.


Science has shown all returning weight is caused by insulin resistance


Insulin resistance is the cause of belly fat, obesity and diabetes, this is something that is effecting over 100 million in the United States today. The association of obesity with type 2 diabetes has been recognized for decades, and the major basis for this link is the ability of obesity to engender insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a fundamental aspect of type 2 diabetes, obesity and all stomach fat. It is also linked to a wide array of other health problems including hypertension,heart attack and poly-cystic ovarian disease. We have more children today living with obesity and type 2 diabetes than at any other time in U.S history, millions of children are all insulin resistant, our modern processed foods have made us all insulin resistant. The cycle of losing weight then gaining it back will finally end when you address the insulin resistance.


Insulin resistance means that your body’s muscle, fat and liver cells don’t react normally to insulin, causing your pancreas to produce more insulin to help blood glucose enter cells so it can be used as energy. All that excess glucose builds up in your bloodstream and can lead to diabetes and other diseases. This is the reason the pounds comes back after dieting, this is the cause of the losing weight then gaining it back cycle. Please understand that normal dieting will not stop the pounds from returning, wee are largely all insulin resistance today. What can help? numerous diets were tested in Switzerland and only the Spirit Happy Diet reversed insulin resistance and stopped the cycle of losing weight then gaining it back. See here Stop losing weight then gaining it back


Why you have a Diet Soda addiction and how to stop it

What causes your Diet Soda Addiction is a chemical

What causes your Diet Soda Addiction is a chemical

It sounds so nice, sweet and calorie free but a diet soda addiction to Coke, Pepsi or whichever can mean big trouble for your body and brain. One of the ways people have been lured to this addictive substance has been the belief that “zero calories” must equal healthy, this is a big mistake, zero calories can add up to big trouble depending on what you are drinking. A diet soda addiction is 100% real and the effects will surprise you


What danger sits in a diet drink?


Look on the bottle or can of any dieting drink and you will see the absence of the ingredient sugar, now sugar over the past 10 years has been called an enemy of the people, sugar has been blamed for everything from Type 2 diabetes to acne to obesity, scientifically sugar is still the best sweetener on the market( In Moderation). Take another look on the back of that sugar free drink and you are going to see an ingredient that causes you to get hooked on the beverage, in addiction, the ingredient actually causes you to gain weight. A diet soda addiction is ruining your diet and causes you to get a bigger belly.




Aspartame is a dangerous chemical that is included in almost every diet drink, it is not your friend and it is highly addictive. What does it do to the body?


Epidemiologists from the School of Medicine at The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio reported data showing that diet soft drink consumption is associated with increased waist circumference in humans, and a second study that found aspartame raised fasting glucose (blood sugar) in diabetes-prone mice.

“Data from this and other prospective studies suggest that the promotion of diet sodas and artificial sweeteners as healthy alternatives may be ill-advised,” said Helen P. Hazuda, Ph.D., professor and chief of the Division of Clinical Epidemiology in the School of Medicine. “They may be free of calories but not of consequences.”


If you have a diet soda addiction it is the Aspartame that is hooking you and it is causing weight gain not weight loss! It causes diabetes and weight gain! This powerful chemical (Aspartame) has caused millions of people to become hooked on this sugar free beverages. How to break the chemical hold on you: Aspartame is a strong chemical(drug), it effects the part of the brain responsible for all food addictions. We showed in our diet for addictions how to break this, it stopped sugar free soda addictions in 2 weeks

 See here The end of all of Food Addictons

How to break sugar addiction

Only a diet created for Sugar addiction can stop this craving

Only a diet created for Sugar addiction can stop this craving

Sugar addiction is not reversed with will power, do not let anyone fool you into thinking that this problem can be solved with the “I think I can” approach. This site has shown thousands that the true causes of being sugar addicted (or food) is related to the brain. This is supported by tons of neurological studies. When you learn the secret you will see how to break a sugar addiction. It is also important to understand that much of your failed efforts to stop eating is not your fault according to brain researchers..

The brain wants what the brain wants

Brain changes can cause addictions, this is not something that is easily reversed, the changes in the brain can start from childhood or adulthood. Emotional stresses are the triggers that create the majority of food addictions. The lack of understanding of this fact has caused countless of thousands to feel ashamed at their lack of will power. Those who have a difficulty controlling the appetite are often hardest on themselves, it may seem like an area in their lives where they have no control. You may be super successful as a mom, dad, student or business person but you still cannot get a handle on the food problem. How to break a sugar addiction? First we must start in the brain, this sweetener is powerfully addictive, it is as strong as cocaine according to European researchers.

       Magalie Lenoir, Fuschia Serre, Lauriane Cantin, Serge H. Ahmed

University Bordeaux 2, Université Bordeaux 1, CNRS, UMR 5227, Bordeaux, France

In a recent study rats were given a choice between sugar water and cocaine, and 94% them chose sugar. Even the rats that had previously been addicted to cocaine switched to the sugar once it was a choice.

Both the sugar and cocaine were found to be highly addictive, both activated a section of the brain that caused them to become addicted. Can will power stop a cocaine user? No, it cannot, so why should will power be able to a sugar addiction?

This is why dieting has been a failure for so many, just counting calories or trying to use will power is no match for the brain. You can want to eat less or stop eating a certain food but this is no comparison to the brain desires. Studies show that over 85% of diets are a complete failure, it is not your fault. We have shown that only a diet created for food addictions can stop overeating. This diet has now been used in 7 countries to stop overeating or break sugar addiction.

See here Sugar addiction diet

3 reasons Why “I Can’t control my appetite”

How emotional stress causes overeating

How emotional stress causes overeating

There are millions who live each day saying  “I can’t control my appetite”, they have a hard time getting under control how much they eat no matter how hard they try. Science has revealed some very interesting information that reveals what may have set a person up for a problem with the food relationship. There are factors that may have been beyond your control that caused the brain to change. If you are saying “I can’t control my appetite” science researchers have pinpointed at least 3 things that may have disrupted your brain


1. Bullying: Were you bullied in school or by others(included family) when you were a child? Bullying has a deep emotional effect on the hippocampus portion of the brain. This is the same part of the brain that effects appetite and satiety from eating, this is deeply revealing, we have seen so many who were never the same after bullying. In fact, binge eating, overeating, food addictions and bulimia are all related to brain changes from emotional stress. Those who admit “I can’t control my appetite” are closer on the road to healing.




2. Child abuse: The abuses on a child whether physical,sexual or verbal leave scars that go well beyond the abuses. Studies in Europe(Berlin) show that over-eaters were more than 300% more likely to have been victims of a traumatic childhood. The effects of hurting a child continue well into adulthood. Adults must understand the deep damage that they do to a young person when they abuse the child. A child id defenseless and usually turns on themselves by overeating or harming themselves.


3. Divorce or Bad relationship: Living in a bad relationship as an adult causes deep emotional damages that can effect appetite. The links between emotional stress and appetite are well founded by researchers. The University of California showed the link

UCSF Health Psychology Program “Increases in negative mood in response to the stressors were also significantly related to greater food consumption. These results suggest that psychophysiological response to stress may influence subsequent eating behavior. Over time, these alterations could impact both weight and health”


As we can see “I can’t control my appetite” has much more to do with emotional factors than it has to do with will power. The brain in very fragile and many things can set you up for a food addiction or a problem controlling the appetite. This is why a typical diet does not work for a person with a problem overeating.   Click here Brain and Diet


Why Overeaters anonymous does not work : The real answer

hiddenWhy Overeaters anonymous does not work is a very good question. The answer is that there is no real healing of the person who can’t control their appetite. This was one of the main complaints of those who helped put the “Friends Again Food addiction cure report” together. There is a root cause of eating too much and this is why Overeaters Anonymous does not work, the root cause of the problem is never truly addressed.


The way to stop a food addiction has been documented on this website which is read in 10 countries worldwide with thousands of readers. All food addictions are rooted in the

’emotions” this is scientific fact. For years the blame game has placed the blame on the person who could not control their appetite. This has lead to many false theories such as the “Weak-willed person” many people for decades were told that they did not have enough will power and that if they just resisted they could control the appetite. Many still have this false belief today! Why Overeaters anonymous (or O.A) does not works was one of the subjects we confronted with people who could not control the appetite, the answer was O.A did not heal their problem.


Our website became popular in less than half a year because it showed the person who was overeating the road to the REAL emotional problem behind the problem with food. Once on the right road you are able to finally and slowly control the appetite. There is no will power involved just a true desire to eat less. If you are one of the many who were wondering why Overeaters anonymous did not work you are not alone.


SEE HERE Help for overeating

Depression,Food and Christmas can be a sad mix

lonnelyChristmas is a very lonely time for many and this can lead to overeating. Food during the holiday season is often abused. Often people think of the Holiday overeating time as joy because family is together and all is wonderful. This festive atmosphere is seen as a time of joy for all but in reality there is a down side for many. Christmas can be lonely, a time spent with food and depression. This can cause trouble for over-eaters.


There is the problem with much of mainstream media, those who do not have family or not close to their families are forgotten during the holidays. There are millions who spend the Holidays alone. Food can be a friend and a comfort to many who are isolated from family. Those who have a food addiction often have a very hard time around Christmas, this is not because of parties and festivities but because of the stress of the season. Depression is a trigger for food addiction Depression overeating


During this holiday season let us remember that this is a very difficult time for many. There are many who are glad when the holidays are over and real life comes back. The thought of seeing certain relatives can trigger a binge or overeating in a person food addicted. Almost all food addiction is related to emotional stress and this proven by Science. Food, Depression and Christmas are linked for many. Read this site and get a right relationship with food back.







I can’t control my appetite: Why it is so difficult to admit this

embarradI can’t control my appetite was what Sharon age 44 said when discussing her hatred of going out to eat. She had been teased as a child and dealing with her overeating is a difficult subject for her to talk about. This is the case with countless thousands who do not speak about the subject but live very unhappy. For someone to admit “ I can’t control my appetite is not an easy thing and there is good reason

Embarrassing or lack of control

The most popular word we find when dealing with people who overeat is the word embarrassing, most say that it is embarrassing that they have this problem. They are concerned with how others view their overeating. There is a lot of emotional issues that surround the relationship with food. It is important to understand that how you view food is a very important part of your life. If you are one of the many saying I can’t control my appetite. Don’t give up, there is an emotional link to all overeating.

This was shown again and again in our  “Friends Again” report Help food addiction

The Way to Stop Food addiction

It is important to know that to stop a food addiction should be your first priority to yourself. The reason for this is because overeating is an emotional issue. With the weight gain there is a tremendous amount of emotional issues to deal with. We have shown that most overeating is emotionally linked in some way. To stop a food addiction should be the first step in getting the real healthy you back.

Overeating and Emotional pain

Those who do overeat often have a daily battle with food; this is something that can consume much of your thoughts. Each time you eat you may feel guilty or you may pretend to eat less in front of others. These are all habits that show something else is happening on a deeper emotional level. The secrecy is something that we hear a lot about on this site. Many would be surprised how people who are very close to them have not told them that they cannot stop a food addiction.

At work or in family a setting it may be very uncomfortable to eat. The overeater is usually concerned about how much they eat in front of others. Often you may feel lie the only person in the world with this problem but you are not. It is very important to address the issue with yourself. This is a matter that must be dealt with. Food can be your worst enemy or it can be a powerful and healthy friend. This is why our report which is in many countries revealed that to stop emotional eating starts with address emotional issues.  Stay with this site and you will beat the problem. We are the only site where overeaters created the report to stop food addiction.

Stop Food Addiction? Causing people to feel ashamed does not work

Making people feel ashamed as in these ads do not work

There is a horrible trend in the big media to stop food addiction causing people to feel ashamed. This simply will not work and can cause a complete disaster for the person trying to get a handle on overeating. There are millions in the United States and Europe seeking ways to stop food addiction, most are failing because they are using the wrong approach. The overeater usually seeks a new diet and studies show that this will lead to failure. Diet is not the problem and you must understand this to beat the problem

Media using “Shame” to embarrass overeaters.

In just the last month major news outlets like Time Magazine, CNN, Philly Blogs and Fox News have run articles promoting the use of shame. In fact, some psychologists have jump on the bandwagon and are promoting making children feel ashamed as a way to stop childhood obesity and overeating.

In Atlanta there is a shame campaign going on to address childhood obesity.  Here are some of the slogans they are using


It’s hard to be a little girl if you’re not”; “Being fat takes the fun out of being a kid”; and “Big Bones Didn’t Make Me This Way … Big Meals Did.


After working with overeaters for the last few years I can clearly state that people who have a problem relationship with food are not happy they are overeating. I can say to stop a food addiction shame is the last thing that should be used. In fact, shame should never be utilized.

What the media is doing is what many bullies in school have done to overweight kids. When the media does it they are simply making fun of people and calling it “Therapy” This is complete garbage and will never work. Writers are hiding behind the internet to abuse overweight people and it is simply wrong.  How did we help some many hundreds stop overeating? It is because we revealed why they have a problem with food! It was when they discovered the underlying causes of the overeating that they learned how to stop a food addiction.

The “media” are basically individuals who sit and write. They are often not sensitive to the person who has a struggle. This site has been used all over the world in just a few short months because we know what the person who cannot control their appetite is going through. You can stop a food addiction and we are showing people how to do it.  See here help for food addiction

Eating too much and a 10 year old’s suicide

We live in an age of warped reality. Others are the main cause of your eating too much. This is scientifically proven. After working with so many people with eating addictions we show you conclusively that it is others who have developed this in you. A 10 year old girl is dead today due to mean and disgusting children. Eating too much is often the result of others and we show you this in our studies and report.


10 year old girl commits suicide


Why would a 10 year old girl beg her mother to “home school” her? This is a clear sign that something is wrong. The little girl was being called horrible names by so-called normal kids. Here is the quote from the dead girl’s grand mother.


“Hackney said her granddaughter had complained of mostly verbal and emotional abuse, with students calling her fat, ugly and a slut. All she wanted to do was make people happy and please them,”


Here we hear those similar words from the nasty and mean people who love to pick on others.


They are the same words that are so popular in every school. Slut,Fat,ugly.


The clueless parents of these bullies always think these bullies are angels. When will we teach our children that making fun of anyone is wrong. We give a weak discipline when we need to take a zero tolerance policy on making fun of others. Yet we see the same thing year in and year out in every school. Yet the parents give no discipline at all! Little comments from parents to bullies are “Be nice” “is that nice, Mary” This is not enough! there must be a strong understand that making fun of others will not be tolerated. Bullying and other things like it are directly related to eating too much and food addictions. This is not only the opinion of this site but scientific fact!


This is why we urge those with food addictions to get our report which was created by the loving help of hundreds with a food addiction.


The little girl was found hanging in her closet. The pressure from those she wanted to please was too much. Yet those who do carry extra pounds are made to feel horrible which leads to more eating. This is a vicious cycle that causes you to go deeper into an eating addiction. Eating too much is not your fault and dieting does not help. Until you heal the emotional you will not be able to defeat this problem. Take control here Food addiction help