Tag Archives: depression

Food addiction, Emotional eating and Abuse

How abuse leads to food addictions and emotional eating

How abuse leads to food addictions and emotional eating

The link between emotional eating, food addiction and overeating are all connected to prior abuses, this is the case in millions of people. A new study once again confirms what this website has been showing people for the last 4 years, dieting fails in most people who have a problem controlling their appetite because dieting does not address the emotional aspects of why we overeat. There are over 20 million people in the United States who are taking antidepressants, often people suffering from food addictions are depressed and only diet created for emotional eating will stop the problem.


How the brain creates overeating


A team led by Dr. Susan M. Mason, a postdoctoral fellow at the Connors Center for Women’s Health and Gender Biology, studied the link between childhood abuse and adult food addiction in 57,321 women enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study II. The conclusion from the study confirms what we have addressed on this site over the last 4 years, emotions are the root cause of overeating,food addiction, emotional eating.


Dr. Mason’s team found that food addiction was almost twice as common among women who indicated that they had experienced sexual or physical abuse before age 18 than among women with no history of childhood abuse “stressful environments may overeat so-called ‘comfort foods’—these are high-fat and high-sugar foods that can blunt feelings of distress by stimulating reward systems in the brain.”


The failure of willpower as a “method” in dieting is due to the fact that willpower does not address the true causes of overeating, until this is addressed the problem will not be solved.


Our food addiction diet is the number one diet overeaters diet in the world, the diet has been used to stop food addiction in over 10 countries because it is the only diet scientifically created to cause weight loss by addressing the brain chemicals that cause overeating


See here Stop a food addiction in 48 hours

I am an Emotional Eater, What can Help?

The brain is too strong to stop emotional eating with will power says Doctors

The brain is too strong to stop emotional eating with will power says Doctors

I am an emotional eater, what can help? This was the latest email that we received Friday from a woman in her late 30’s. It is very important to understand that the brain is very much involved in every aspect of our eating habits, in fact, the root cause of all overeating stems from changes in the brain related to stresses. This is where we get the term emotional eater, the fact of the matter is that stresses effect our emotions and this is where the brain tries to help by seeking food.


Overweight, sad, stress, food


Biologically the brain can help you when your mood is down, very stressful events such as arguments,worries or even a frustrating relationship causes brain changes which signal the need to relieve the stresses. Emotions are powerful and can lead to a very unhealthy cycle of stress related overeating, this can cause obesity and other health complications. The brain chooses food as the method of relief. The stomach may influence the brain by releasing hormones, says Lukas Van Oudenhove, M.D one of the study authors and a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Leuven, in Belgium. If you are an emotional eater it is important to know that this is your body’s attempt to help lift your mood but it is not a healthy solution and needs to be addressed.


The failure of willpower


The study in Belgium showed just how powerful the effects of food was on the mood, the in take of chocolate or fatty foods had an almost drug like effect in addressing the emotions, will power is not strong enough to fight this effect. Do not blame yourself for emotion type eating, will power cannot stop this. What was even more amazing from the European study was the fact that sadness from just a picture ( such as a disaster or crying people) caused the brain to response by calming the sadness after ingesting fatty food. We can clearly see that stresses from jobs,divorces, or loss of life can cause uncontrollable eating in an emotional eater. The Food Addiction diet is the number one diet used over 10 countries, it was created by brain researchers to stop all overeating.

See here Take back control of what you eat

What can help overeating? A surprising connection

An addiction to food is real and strong

An addiction to food is real and strong

What can help overeating? The answer has been very clear on this site that only a diet created for overeaters will work and this is why we have helped so many people stop addictions to sugar,carbs,fats, and just about all other foods. In this post we will look at more compelling research from scientists who show clearly what can help stop overeating.


The lack of control over how much you eat can be a life long struggle, it is becoming clearer today that many people suffer from food addictions, brain imaging has shown us that food addictions are 100 percent real and must be addressed. The abuse of any food is not healthy but sugar, artificial sweeteners,carbs,junk food are strongly additive, it can take control of your life. What you don’t want is to become a slave to the “Don’t”, the don’t are when you “force yourself” not to eat something, this is will power and it will fail. What can help overeating? First understand that an addiction to food is real and it is based on brain chemistry, never blame yourself, an addiction to food is no different than any other addiction.



An addiction is an addiction


Researchers in England showed us some fascinating research on food addictions and how we can learn from people with alcohol addiction, Sally Marlow is an alcohol addiction researcher at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London and her work with food addiction shows us that there is a common link with all addictions.


She stated “As an alcoholic I would go to different areas to buy my alcohol so people wouldn’t recognize me, but I’d also go to different newsagents to buy chocolate so they wouldn’t recognize me.


“Sneaking it into the house, not wanting people to see, hiding food, like an alcoholic hiding bottles, hiding empties.” The connection is that an addiction is an addiction.

What can help overeating? The problem is both emotional and physical, this issue is addressed in the Food Addiction Diet report. When you learn that overeating is not your fault but it is caused by emotional and physical factors you are on the right track, only a diet that addresses all these factors can stop the problem, this solution has worked in thousands worldwide

See here Take back control of what you eat




I am Dieting but so hungry: What to do about this

How to stop the pain

How to stop the pain

“Dieting but so hungry” is a situation that many find themselves in and there is a scientific explanation as to why you have this problem. Once you get familiar with how hunger works you will be well on your way to reversing this problem. The area of the brain that controls appetite (hypothalamus and the hippocampus )are involved in hunger. If you are dieting but still so hungry (or just starting a new diet) this article will try to help you understand the process.


There are brain neurons that are involved with appetite, there are also hormones like insulin and leptin which can help you control hunger, when the body is operating perfectly(rarely) we have no trouble controlling our appetite but this is not the case when on a diet. When you diet there is a complex system of hormones and brain neurons that all interact and the bottom line is you stay famished. Diets do not work in over 80% of people because they are based on the false premise of “just lowering carbs, calories or sugar”, this will eventually lead to the “dieting but so hungry” feeling that we all get.


When you can diet and still keep your hormones balanced you do not get hunger pains This is why the a diet in Europe works for so many, it was created for diabetics but it is now the number one European diet for people without diabetes



The pain and irritation of dieting


‘If you diet and lose fat, your leptin levels drop and that is like switching on an alarm in the brain,’ says Professor O’Rahilly professor of clinical biochemistry and medicine at Cambridge University

‘The brain then makes you feel hungry, signaling that you must find food and consume calories immediately”


The pain and irritation starts in your brain not in your stomach, that hunger feeling is caused by the brain triggering the release of a hormone called ghrelin, as we can see there is a complex working of hormones and brain chemistry when trying to stop a food addiction or simply trying to diet. Diets cause hormones to go crazy and this is why so many people fail, this is why will power is also a completely failure. You may stop eating for a while but the diet will eventually fail.


The good news


There right way to lose weight with a diet created for food addictions, this diet is based on science to eliminates hunger pain and the dieting but so hungry feeling.

See here  dieting and Hungry



I can’t control my appetite: Here’s why

A typical diet does not stop the brain signal  that makes you keep eating

A typical diet does not stop the brain signal that makes you keep eating

Susan says “ I can’t control my appetite”, she is one of the millions of people who have tried diet and exercise but still cannot limit how much they eat. There are many reasons for this condition but science shows that the brain is most responsible for the problem of overeating, The deep root causes of eating too much can be explained. I can’t control my appetite, it is is a growing National problem that has many seeking a solution.


Turning off the brain response


The brain is responsible for how much you eat, it signals you to feel full and stop eating. Obesity is a national dilemma and the problem is showing no signs of slowing down, the Center of Disease (CDC) stated last week t that more people are dieting but they are seeing less results. People are eating less calories but the weight is still not coming off. This is something we have addressed on this site for a long time, calorie counting will not lead to more weight loss. Only a diet created for people who have a problem controlling how much they eat will work. “I can’t control my appetite”, what this means is the brain hippocampus is not working properly and you will continue to over eat. This is why dieting fails, it does not address the root causes of overeating.


Emotional triggers


Divorce, break up and a loss of a loved one can all alter brain hippocampus function and cause uncontrolled appetite. Childhood events and stress also set the brain up for food addiction. The failure of the popular diets can be attributed to the fact that they have adopted a cookie cutter style to dieting, one size fits all and this does not work. “ I can’t control mu appetite” this statement alone should tell us that a typical diet will not work for an over-eater, a diet for overeating must be based on real brain research to reverse the problem


See here Diet for overeating

Why a typical diet cannot stop a food addiction

How the Brain causes your appetite to stop or increase

How the Brain causes your appetite to stop or increase

A typical diet will not stop a food addiction, this has been proven by brain and science researchers. The dilemma that faces so many people who have a hard time controlling the appetite is what should I eat. This can be a daily battle that can include various low calorie foods to not eating at all, it all been very frustrating. It must be stated that to stop a food addiction a typical diet will not work



Food addicted and the failed diet


The reason so many people fail at dieting is due to the fact that they have not factored in brain research revealing how appetite control works. Thankfully the use of brain imaging has helped us better understand the condition of uncontrolled appetite. A person who needs constant snacks or who eats more than necessary has areas of the brain that should be controlling appetite but it is not going so well. This is the main reason that dieting fails, dieting cannot work when the brain section that controls appetite is effected negatively. It is clear from brain imagining that a typical diet will not stop food addiction nor will it help control appetite.



Due to these new finding it is clear that will power is a failed approach to controlling the appetite. The failed will power approach is based on the misconception that you can convince yourself to eat less by just trying hard enough. Those who have tried this approach and failed have been considered weak, often they were told that they did not have any self control. What a horrible way to look at the situation. We can see that when the appetite section of the brain is effected negatively that will power will not work. Food can be just as addictive as any drugs, until the appetite section of the brain is corrected.


There is only on diet in the world that has been proven to correct the appetite control center and address the emotional aspects of the condition. See here Diet for Food addiction


Fat and embarrassed on Facebook? what to do about it

You don't need facebook to communicate with your friends and family

You don’t need facebook to communicate with your friends and family

I am fat and was embarrassed on facebook was the latest email from a girl who suffers from food addiction. There is a bitter sweet combination when someone decides to join a social network, you open yourself up to so many opinions and judgments from others. Creating a profile and uploading your life can be dangerous. Being fat and embarrassed on facebook is a very common thing and we will tell what to do about it

Prejudice against over-eaters

There is a bias against people that overeat, they are often ridiculed and made the sport of many people’s jokes. In media and television it is common to make fun of the people who are overweight, we see it every day on TV. This site was created to teach people that being overweight is not your fault. Almost all overeating comes from emotional stresses like bad parents, divorce, sexual abuses, physical abuses and more. These are the horrific events that start overeating additions in the brain. This site is not on facebook because we simply do not believe in it. Being fat and embarrassed on face-book’s website is a common occurrence for uncountable thousands. We live in a world that is sadly very superficial, meaning we judge others by how they look not for who they are. This will not change it is a sad part of the human condition.

Please like and follow me

The need to be liked is very human and that is because we are social creatures, but the need to be liked for how we look is what most people really want to achieve, the media has created this monster.

Six pack abs, puffy lips, bedroom eyes, no fat on the body, teeth whiter than normal..etc.

This is what we are fed by the media each day and it works. They make millions and you get embarrassed for not living up to a fake image. So with facebook looking fat can be a problem yet people want to be liked on their website. Many are bullied on the social website by rumors and false stories and some cannot get pass the fact that they were teased or destroyed by what others posted. This food addiction site would love to see everyone close their Facebook account but it is not that easy, most will not leave their site.

We own you

There is a bigger problem though, face-book’s site does not allow you to close your account, you can park it but they own all you have written and posted for life. Like a bad virus your account cannot be deleted.

Fat and embarrassed? I would recommend you leave that site without a second thought.

What do you mean your not on face-book?  This is the question we get everyday and we let people know after their shock subsides that we are not followers of what everyone else does. The  need to communicate is simple let your friends text you or make a simple telephone call.  Let them know you are not on Facebook, they will get over the shock and give you a call

Stop emotional eating with ” Friends again” See here   eating too much and emotional stress


More stress…More overeating

Stress,Emotions and Overeating connected

Stress,Emotions and Overeating connected

Stress is a leading cause of overeating. Researchers in New Castle revealed that people who have a hard time controlling their appetite are under more stressful situations. With the growth of food addictions in the United States and much of the West researchers are looking for ways to combat the increasing problem. We have stated on this site that emotional stress and overeating go hand in hand.

The diet lies

People who have a problem controlling their appetite are often met with nasty comments or stares from others who do not understand the emotional links to the condition. We have documented on this site the nasty comments from people who just do not understand the brain’s role in those lack of the appetite. Sadly those who do not understand food addictions will always offer the same failed solution which they claim as dieting. Dieting does not work for food addiction, this is not an excuse it is the scientific truth. Many food addictions and problems with food start without us knowing it. The are rooted in emotional issues. Often we have no clue where the problem began. It is critical to know this


Guilt is still the most difficult emotion that people who have a problem with appetite control experience. After eating too much there can be a deep depression and a feeling of low self worth. This is because we blame ourselves for not having the self control to stop eating. We are actually shifting the blame to ourselves the same way those who do not understand the condition. This can lead to more stress and more overeating.

Stop the emotional eating on your own in private See here  Stop emotional eating

Anti Depressants Overeating

Depression drugs cause weight gain and increase appetite strongly

Depression drugs cause weight gain and increase appetite strongly

I am on anti depressants and am overeating? This was the latest email that we received this past weekend. This is not an uncommon problem, anti depressant drugs such as Paxil, Zoloft and quite a few others can increase appetite. In fact, it is not uncommon to gain over 50 pounds while using these drugs. Anti depressants and overeating can cause a depressed person to feel even worst if the weight gain effects their self esteem


Can’t stop eating


One of the side effects of depression medications is weight gain and increased appetite, this is one of the effects that is seldom spoken of. It is not uncommon to gain 20,30,40 or more pounds while on certain depression medications. These pills are necessary for millions of people who cannot function daily without the drugs. Depression can be a very serious and debilitating illness when left untreated. One of the unfortunate side effect of the drug use is increased appetite and this can also cause medical health problems. It is important to understand clearly that Anti depressants and overeating are linked.


The Brain


The brain is a very delicate and complex part of the human body. Anti depression drugs have a direct effect on the brain, this is why they help control clinical depressive conditions. Science has shown that the drugs also effect the parts of the brain that control appetite and this can cause a problem controlling the appetite. The weight gain can cause self esteem issues and this can create a vicious cycle. Here we can see a possible vicious cycle of Anti depressants, overeating and depression. Knowing what the drugs do can help you choose what is best for your body.


Read this site daily and click the link above to stop a food addiction on your own in private.

Depression,Food and Christmas can be a sad mix

lonnelyChristmas is a very lonely time for many and this can lead to overeating. Food during the holiday season is often abused. Often people think of the Holiday overeating time as joy because family is together and all is wonderful. This festive atmosphere is seen as a time of joy for all but in reality there is a down side for many. Christmas can be lonely, a time spent with food and depression. This can cause trouble for over-eaters.


There is the problem with much of mainstream media, those who do not have family or not close to their families are forgotten during the holidays. There are millions who spend the Holidays alone. Food can be a friend and a comfort to many who are isolated from family. Those who have a food addiction often have a very hard time around Christmas, this is not because of parties and festivities but because of the stress of the season. Depression is a trigger for food addiction Depression overeating


During this holiday season let us remember that this is a very difficult time for many. There are many who are glad when the holidays are over and real life comes back. The thought of seeing certain relatives can trigger a binge or overeating in a person food addicted. Almost all food addiction is related to emotional stress and this proven by Science. Food, Depression and Christmas are linked for many. Read this site and get a right relationship with food back.