Category Archives: Food Addiction

How to control your appetite

Why we cannot control our appetite. Science says It is our hormones!

Why we cannot control our appetite. Science says It is our hormones!

How to control your appetite is based on “hormones”, for many people the foods that they are eating can also cause them to develop a problem controlling food portions. Food addiction is a real condition that effects millions of people, the consequences can lead to obesity, diabetes or other health complications. Medical science is starting to understanding food addictions in ways that were not previously known just 10 years ago. If you are wondering how to control your appetite, the most important thing to understand is that hormones are powerful and they are responsible for how much you eat.


Food portions controlled by various hormones


There are various hormones such as leptin, Insulin and cortisol which controls how much you eat, many things can affect this mechanism and cause you to eat more food than you really want to eat. Stress and emotions play a crucial role in how these hormones work and ultimately how much you eat, the delicate balance of hormones work with the brain in signaling when you “feel full”


Hormone study


Most people are unaware that Insulin is the number one hormone for weight and appetite control, this is why the Spirit Happy Diet was shown to cause rapid weight loss in people with or weight diabetes. See here Spirit Happy Diet


Insulin dampens appetite by inhibiting NPY/AgRP-secreting neurons and by activating POMC-releasing neurons. Insulin appears to have both short-term and long-term actions and is essential in regulation of body weight. Resistance to insulin is very often associated with obesity and the loss of insulin’s regulation of metabolism as seen in diabetes type 2.



Working with these hormones is how to control the appetite, as we can see appetite is largely controlled by hormones which determine how much we will want to eat. There are people who simply keep eating because this releases “feel good hormones” that improve the mood. Will power does not work to halt a food addiction. Those who are under stress may “trigger” hormones that will cause you want to eat even if you are not particularly hungry. In addition, those who have suffered from childhood abuses(stresses) often develop eating disorders. Food addictions are greatly related to present and prior stresses.


Only a diet at was created by brain researchers based on how hormones work can stop the “out of control eating” This worked in 10 countries See here How to control your appetite

Food addiction, Emotional eating and Abuse

How abuse leads to food addictions and emotional eating

How abuse leads to food addictions and emotional eating

The link between emotional eating, food addiction and overeating are all connected to prior abuses, this is the case in millions of people. A new study once again confirms what this website has been showing people for the last 4 years, dieting fails in most people who have a problem controlling their appetite because dieting does not address the emotional aspects of why we overeat. There are over 20 million people in the United States who are taking antidepressants, often people suffering from food addictions are depressed and only diet created for emotional eating will stop the problem.


How the brain creates overeating


A team led by Dr. Susan M. Mason, a postdoctoral fellow at the Connors Center for Women’s Health and Gender Biology, studied the link between childhood abuse and adult food addiction in 57,321 women enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study II. The conclusion from the study confirms what we have addressed on this site over the last 4 years, emotions are the root cause of overeating,food addiction, emotional eating.


Dr. Mason’s team found that food addiction was almost twice as common among women who indicated that they had experienced sexual or physical abuse before age 18 than among women with no history of childhood abuse “stressful environments may overeat so-called ‘comfort foods’—these are high-fat and high-sugar foods that can blunt feelings of distress by stimulating reward systems in the brain.”


The failure of willpower as a “method” in dieting is due to the fact that willpower does not address the true causes of overeating, until this is addressed the problem will not be solved.


Our food addiction diet is the number one diet overeaters diet in the world, the diet has been used to stop food addiction in over 10 countries because it is the only diet scientifically created to cause weight loss by addressing the brain chemicals that cause overeating


See here Stop a food addiction in 48 hours

I am an Emotional Eater, What can Help?

The brain is too strong to stop emotional eating with will power says Doctors

The brain is too strong to stop emotional eating with will power says Doctors

I am an emotional eater, what can help? This was the latest email that we received Friday from a woman in her late 30’s. It is very important to understand that the brain is very much involved in every aspect of our eating habits, in fact, the root cause of all overeating stems from changes in the brain related to stresses. This is where we get the term emotional eater, the fact of the matter is that stresses effect our emotions and this is where the brain tries to help by seeking food.


Overweight, sad, stress, food


Biologically the brain can help you when your mood is down, very stressful events such as arguments,worries or even a frustrating relationship causes brain changes which signal the need to relieve the stresses. Emotions are powerful and can lead to a very unhealthy cycle of stress related overeating, this can cause obesity and other health complications. The brain chooses food as the method of relief. The stomach may influence the brain by releasing hormones, says Lukas Van Oudenhove, M.D one of the study authors and a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Leuven, in Belgium. If you are an emotional eater it is important to know that this is your body’s attempt to help lift your mood but it is not a healthy solution and needs to be addressed.


The failure of willpower


The study in Belgium showed just how powerful the effects of food was on the mood, the in take of chocolate or fatty foods had an almost drug like effect in addressing the emotions, will power is not strong enough to fight this effect. Do not blame yourself for emotion type eating, will power cannot stop this. What was even more amazing from the European study was the fact that sadness from just a picture ( such as a disaster or crying people) caused the brain to response by calming the sadness after ingesting fatty food. We can clearly see that stresses from jobs,divorces, or loss of life can cause uncontrollable eating in an emotional eater. The Food Addiction diet is the number one diet used over 10 countries, it was created by brain researchers to stop all overeating.

See here Take back control of what you eat

What can help overeating? A surprising connection

An addiction to food is real and strong

An addiction to food is real and strong

What can help overeating? The answer has been very clear on this site that only a diet created for overeaters will work and this is why we have helped so many people stop addictions to sugar,carbs,fats, and just about all other foods. In this post we will look at more compelling research from scientists who show clearly what can help stop overeating.


The lack of control over how much you eat can be a life long struggle, it is becoming clearer today that many people suffer from food addictions, brain imaging has shown us that food addictions are 100 percent real and must be addressed. The abuse of any food is not healthy but sugar, artificial sweeteners,carbs,junk food are strongly additive, it can take control of your life. What you don’t want is to become a slave to the “Don’t”, the don’t are when you “force yourself” not to eat something, this is will power and it will fail. What can help overeating? First understand that an addiction to food is real and it is based on brain chemistry, never blame yourself, an addiction to food is no different than any other addiction.



An addiction is an addiction


Researchers in England showed us some fascinating research on food addictions and how we can learn from people with alcohol addiction, Sally Marlow is an alcohol addiction researcher at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London and her work with food addiction shows us that there is a common link with all addictions.


She stated “As an alcoholic I would go to different areas to buy my alcohol so people wouldn’t recognize me, but I’d also go to different newsagents to buy chocolate so they wouldn’t recognize me.


“Sneaking it into the house, not wanting people to see, hiding food, like an alcoholic hiding bottles, hiding empties.” The connection is that an addiction is an addiction.

What can help overeating? The problem is both emotional and physical, this issue is addressed in the Food Addiction Diet report. When you learn that overeating is not your fault but it is caused by emotional and physical factors you are on the right track, only a diet that addresses all these factors can stop the problem, this solution has worked in thousands worldwide

See here Take back control of what you eat




I am addicted to Soda(Coke Coca Cola)…Here’s why

How the Food makers hook you on Soda

How the Food makers hook you on Soda

I am addicted to soda (Coke) is something that millions of people battle with everyday, there is a very good scientific reason for this addiction which creates billions of dollars for the soft drink makers. We speak of Coke(coca cola) but in reality this applies to all sodas that are consumed today. The key word is “drug”, food can be used as a drug in the body and this can create addictions. “I am addicted to soda” If you are wondering why the answer is in the can.



While you were asleep the soda changed


Those who wonder how soda suddenly became a bad guy after 100 years on the market must understand how the food manufacturers change their ingredients without alerting the public, often these changes are based on money. In the food industry it is a known trade secret that certain ingredients have an addictive effects if consumed in large enough quantities, these hidden addictive chemicals will have you coming back for more of the product. Please put nothing pass the big food makers when it comes to making money. “I am addicted to soda” It was a phrase hardly heard in the 1950’s but it is common today, the addiction stems from something called high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)


HFCS: The way to keep them coming back


High fructose corn syrup is a drug like ingredients and it is included in every can or bottle of soda (and Snapple) today. This chemical is very sweet and is used sometimes with sugar. Here are the facts of this chemical, it changes the brain so you eat more food and want more soda.


The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), scientists used magnetic resonance imaging to reveal that HFCS (in all Sodas) cause more hunger and more thirst, the more you drink the more you need. The brain was literally changed!


According to Dr. Robert Sherwin, chief of endocrinology at Yale University School of Medicine“As a result( of consuming HFCS), the desire to eat continues — it isn’t turned off.”


I am addicted to Soda(Coke)


The researchers saw these changes in the hypothalamus, insula, and striatum, which are regions of the brain that regulate appetite, motivation, and reward processing, in addition to increasing connections in certain brain pathways linked to feeling full.

The breaking of these addictions is not cured by switch to Splenda, Equal or Sweet and low, these are also poisons that cause cancers and other health problems.

The ending of Soda and all food addictions can only be solved with a diet created to stop these addictions. See here  Food and Soda addiction stopper in 10 countries








To stop overeating takes more than will power

Why you cannot stop overeating

Why you cannot stop overeating

Science and brain scans have shown us that to stop overeating takes much more than willpower, in fact willpower will probably cause you to eat more food says researchers. The dieting cycle is something that so many millions are caught up in and studies show that most of us will fail. There is a little lose of weight (mainly water weight) when we start a diet but this does not last. To stop overeating researchers now show takes more than simply trying to eat less, the brain does not give up that easily.


Why you overeat


The reason we overeat has to do with a delicate balance of hormones, ghrelin ,insulin and leptin all play a role in how much that we eat, these hormones are often out of quack when we are dieting, the more severe the diet the more the hormones go out of quack, this also can lead to very strong hunger pain signals from the brain. To stop overeating is not conquered by will power because the brain chemicals are powerful and tell us to eat. There are many factors that cause the hunger hormones to keep firing but stress is a major culprit


The pleasure response


Doctor Pittman of University of Calgary’s Hotchkiss Brain Institute showed that stress causes a mix of hormones that cause you to eat even when not hungry but when we try willpower to curb food things go horrible wrong.


For example, if we elect to pass over a meal, the brain appears to simply increase the drive in pathways leading to increased appetite,” said Dr. Pittman


Furthermore, the fact that the lack of food causes activation of the stress response might help explain the relationship between stress and obesity.” To stop overeating only a diet created for overeating will work.


Stop blaming yourself for lack of appetite control, this site is the number one site for weight loss and overeating in the world because our food addiction diet that is used in 10 countries was created to stop overeating without causing a brain stress response

SEE HERE stop overeating

Can’t stop eating? here’s why

Dieting wrong will cause you to eat more

Dieting wrong will cause you to eat more

Why can’t I stop eating, the control of the appetite is rooted in the brain. It may amazing people when they learn that the keep to appetite control is not in the stomach but in the brain. The stomach is involved in digestion but when we feel hungry we often think that it is the stomach that is calling for food but it is a brain signal. There has been a worldwide increase in food addictions, those who simply can’t stop eating are often at a loss as to why the have this problem.


The Chemistry of the Appetite


When you are really hungry the body starts a series of biological functions that signal you that you need something to eat, this is why when you forget to eat( for example at work) you will feel the grumbling in the stomach, it is necessary function and healthy for survival. When the body and brain are working in perfect harmony the brain sends the hunger signal at the appropriate times to save you from starvation. There are millions of people in whom this perfect brain/body balance is not working in the right way, those who can’t stop eating have a system balance that is slightly off, the signal that you are hungry may fire more often than it should. Sometimes this signal fires to snack (when you are not hungry) because it releases feel good hormones to fight stress.


Stress Markers


Emotional stresses such as from a bad relationship,job,divorce, dieting, or abuses(prior and current) all disrupt this very delicate balance in the brain. This is why children who have suffered physical,mental or verbal abuses are 10 times more likely to develop a problem with their appetite. A stressful job or even deep depression can disrupt brain hormone balances of leptin and insulin can cause you to want something to snack, it is important to understand that will power and dieting can actually makes this worst by creating more stresses.. Dieting should not be ignored but those who can’t stop eating will not be helped with a regular diet. A diet for food addiction or appetite control can only be controlled by a diet created for this problem, we are speaking of a diet that addresses the emotional and dieting problem.


See here  help food addiction



I am Dieting but so hungry: What to do about this

How to stop the pain

How to stop the pain

“Dieting but so hungry” is a situation that many find themselves in and there is a scientific explanation as to why you have this problem. Once you get familiar with how hunger works you will be well on your way to reversing this problem. The area of the brain that controls appetite (hypothalamus and the hippocampus )are involved in hunger. If you are dieting but still so hungry (or just starting a new diet) this article will try to help you understand the process.


There are brain neurons that are involved with appetite, there are also hormones like insulin and leptin which can help you control hunger, when the body is operating perfectly(rarely) we have no trouble controlling our appetite but this is not the case when on a diet. When you diet there is a complex system of hormones and brain neurons that all interact and the bottom line is you stay famished. Diets do not work in over 80% of people because they are based on the false premise of “just lowering carbs, calories or sugar”, this will eventually lead to the “dieting but so hungry” feeling that we all get.


When you can diet and still keep your hormones balanced you do not get hunger pains This is why the a diet in Europe works for so many, it was created for diabetics but it is now the number one European diet for people without diabetes



The pain and irritation of dieting


‘If you diet and lose fat, your leptin levels drop and that is like switching on an alarm in the brain,’ says Professor O’Rahilly professor of clinical biochemistry and medicine at Cambridge University

‘The brain then makes you feel hungry, signaling that you must find food and consume calories immediately”


The pain and irritation starts in your brain not in your stomach, that hunger feeling is caused by the brain triggering the release of a hormone called ghrelin, as we can see there is a complex working of hormones and brain chemistry when trying to stop a food addiction or simply trying to diet. Diets cause hormones to go crazy and this is why so many people fail, this is why will power is also a completely failure. You may stop eating for a while but the diet will eventually fail.


The good news


There right way to lose weight with a diet created for food addictions, this diet is based on science to eliminates hunger pain and the dieting but so hungry feeling.

See here  dieting and Hungry



What to do about Antidepressant weight gain

The link between Depression Drugs and Weight gain

The link between Depression Drugs and Weight gain

Those who suffer from Depression are usually prescribed anti depressants, weight gain is one of the unfortunate side effects of taking medication for a depressed mental condition. The numbers of people in the United States on medications for depression are over 30 million, one of the major set backs from taking these pills is weight gain, anti depressants are known to cause a tremendous amount of increased body weight.


Sarah 24


Sarah was prescribed the anti depressant Zoloft and gained over 30 pounds in less than one year, the majority of drugs for depression are called serotonin up lifters. These drugs are necessary for people who live with depression. The drugs can be the difference between functioning on a daily basis or not, there are many who cannot get through the day without these pills. Clinical depression is a very serious illness, many are not able to work or do very ordinary tasks. The question is what to do about the weight gain from anti depressants, is there a way to address the illness of depression without the negative effects of the pills? Medications for depression work on the brain and they cause the body to hold fat.


A review published in 2003 in the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine stated that while weight gain is a possible side effect with SSRI antidepressant drugs, it may be more likely to occur after six months or more of use


There are many theories as to why the pills cause weight gain, this occurs even in those who are not eating more. Science has no direct answer as to why this side effect occurs but one thing is sure and that is it is not good. The use of anti depressants and weight gain is something you should be very concerned about. The Food addiction diet was shown to cause weight loss in people on depression medication


See here anti depressants weight gain

I can’t control my appetite: Here’s why

A typical diet does not stop the brain signal  that makes you keep eating

A typical diet does not stop the brain signal that makes you keep eating

Susan says “ I can’t control my appetite”, she is one of the millions of people who have tried diet and exercise but still cannot limit how much they eat. There are many reasons for this condition but science shows that the brain is most responsible for the problem of overeating, The deep root causes of eating too much can be explained. I can’t control my appetite, it is is a growing National problem that has many seeking a solution.


Turning off the brain response


The brain is responsible for how much you eat, it signals you to feel full and stop eating. Obesity is a national dilemma and the problem is showing no signs of slowing down, the Center of Disease (CDC) stated last week t that more people are dieting but they are seeing less results. People are eating less calories but the weight is still not coming off. This is something we have addressed on this site for a long time, calorie counting will not lead to more weight loss. Only a diet created for people who have a problem controlling how much they eat will work. “I can’t control my appetite”, what this means is the brain hippocampus is not working properly and you will continue to over eat. This is why dieting fails, it does not address the root causes of overeating.


Emotional triggers


Divorce, break up and a loss of a loved one can all alter brain hippocampus function and cause uncontrolled appetite. Childhood events and stress also set the brain up for food addiction. The failure of the popular diets can be attributed to the fact that they have adopted a cookie cutter style to dieting, one size fits all and this does not work. “ I can’t control mu appetite” this statement alone should tell us that a typical diet will not work for an over-eater, a diet for overeating must be based on real brain research to reverse the problem


See here Diet for overeating