3 reasons Why “I Can’t control my appetite”

How emotional stress causes overeating

How emotional stress causes overeating

There are millions who live each day saying  “I can’t control my appetite”, they have a hard time getting under control how much they eat no matter how hard they try. Science has revealed some very interesting information that reveals what may have set a person up for a problem with the food relationship. There are factors that may have been beyond your control that caused the brain to change. If you are saying “I can’t control my appetite” science researchers have pinpointed at least 3 things that may have disrupted your brain


1. Bullying: Were you bullied in school or by others(included family) when you were a child? Bullying has a deep emotional effect on the hippocampus portion of the brain. This is the same part of the brain that effects appetite and satiety from eating, this is deeply revealing, we have seen so many who were never the same after bullying. In fact, binge eating, overeating, food addictions and bulimia are all related to brain changes from emotional stress. Those who admit “I can’t control my appetite” are closer on the road to healing.




2. Child abuse: The abuses on a child whether physical,sexual or verbal leave scars that go well beyond the abuses. Studies in Europe(Berlin) show that over-eaters were more than 300% more likely to have been victims of a traumatic childhood. The effects of hurting a child continue well into adulthood. Adults must understand the deep damage that they do to a young person when they abuse the child. A child id defenseless and usually turns on themselves by overeating or harming themselves.


3. Divorce or Bad relationship: Living in a bad relationship as an adult causes deep emotional damages that can effect appetite. The links between emotional stress and appetite are well founded by researchers. The University of California showed the link

UCSF Health Psychology Program “Increases in negative mood in response to the stressors were also significantly related to greater food consumption. These results suggest that psychophysiological response to stress may influence subsequent eating behavior. Over time, these alterations could impact both weight and health”


As we can see “I can’t control my appetite” has much more to do with emotional factors than it has to do with will power. The brain in very fragile and many things can set you up for a food addiction or a problem controlling the appetite. This is why a typical diet does not work for a person with a problem overeating.   Click here Brain and Diet


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