What can help Depression? There is an answer

We receive lots of questions about “What can help depression” without medications (Drugs). The answer depends on if the true root of the depressed condition involves overeating or not. If you are not overeating but depressed you may want to see the link here  am i depressed?

What can help depression when you are overeating may be a different subject and this site is for you.


The Depressed and overeating


The connection between people who are overeating and suffering from a depressed mental condition is common. The two go together and the reason has to do with the brain. Brain chemicals affect your mood or as many believe “Your mood affects your brain chemicals” The bottom line result is a clinical depressive state that may have to be treated with medications. Meds are excellent for clinically depressed people but they also can cause overeating and other serious side effects. This is the double edge sword that many face. What can help depression depends on you. Each individual must take their own path


What we have seen in our research with overeaters


This site was set up as the only site that had overeaters come together and solve overeating without therapist or drugs. The end result was the “Friends again with food” report. We show that almost all overeating from current or past emotional issue. You learn how to stop a food addiction own your own in private. See the link at the top of the page to read the report. For those who want to stay on meds this is great if it is working for you. Those who want to come off meds should let their doctor know that they want to stop and then you can decide what is best for you. What can help depression? The answer depends on you. If you have an addictive overeating problem, read this site.



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